Source code for sc2bench.models.detection.registry

from torchdistill.common.main_util import load_ckpt
from torchdistill.models.official import get_object_detection_model
from torchdistill.models.registry import get_model, register_model

from sc2bench.models.detection.base import check_if_updatable_detection_model


[docs] def register_detection_model_class(cls): """ Registers an object detection model class. :param cls: object detection model class to be registered :type cls: class :return: registered object detection model class :rtype: class """ DETECTION_MODEL_CLASS_DICT[cls.__name__] = cls register_model(cls) return cls
[docs] def register_detection_model_func(func): """ Registers a function to build an object detection model. :param func: function to build an object detection model to be registered :type func: typing.Callable :return: registered function :rtype: typing.Callable """ DETECTION_MODEL_FUNC_DICT[func.__name__] = func register_model(func) return func
[docs] def get_detection_model(cls_or_func_name, **kwargs): """ Gets an object detection model. :param cls_or_func_name: model class or function name :type cls_or_func_name: str :return: object detection model :rtype: nn.Module or None """ if cls_or_func_name in DETECTION_MODEL_CLASS_DICT: return DETECTION_MODEL_CLASS_DICT[cls_or_func_name](**kwargs) elif cls_or_func_name in DETECTION_MODEL_FUNC_DICT: return DETECTION_MODEL_FUNC_DICT[cls_or_func_name](**kwargs) return None
[docs] def load_detection_model(model_config, device, strict=True): """ Loads an object detection model. :param model_config: model configuration :type model_config: dict :param device: device :type device: torch.device or str :param strict: whether to strictly enforce that the keys in state_dict match the keys returned by this module's `state_dict()` function. :type strict: bool :return: object detection model :rtype: nn.Module """ model = get_object_detection_model(model_config) model_name = model_config['key'] if model is None: model = get_detection_model(model_name, **model_config['kwargs']) if model is None: repo_or_dir = model_config.get('repo_or_dir', None) model = get_model(model_name, repo_or_dir, **model_config['kwargs']) if model_config.get('update_before_ckpt', False) and check_if_updatable_detection_model(model): model.update() src_ckpt_file_path = model_config.get('src_ckpt', None) if src_ckpt_file_path is not None: load_ckpt(src_ckpt_file_path, model=model, strict=strict) return