
This page is a showcase of OSS (open source software) and papers which have used torchdistill in the projects. If your work is built on torchdistill, start a β€œShow and tell” discussion at GitHub.



This framework was built on PyTorch and designed to benchmark SC2 methods, Supervised Compression for Split Computing. It is pip-installable and published as a PyPI package i.e., you can install it by pip3 install sc2bench


FrankenSplit: Efficient Neural Feature Compression With Shallow Variational Bottleneck Injection for Mobile Edge Computing

  • Author(s): Alireza Furutanpey, Philipp Raith, Schahram Dustdar

  • Venue: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

  • PDF: Paper

  • Code: GitHub

Abstract: The rise of mobile AI accelerators allows latency-sensitive applications to execute lightweight Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on the client side. However, critical applications require powerful models that edge devices cannot host and must therefore offload requests, where the high-dimensional data will compete for limited bandwidth. Split Computing (SC) alleviates resource inefficiency by partitioning DNN layers across devices, but current methods are overly specific and only marginally reduce bandwidth consumption. This work proposes shifting away from focusing on executing shallow layers of partitioned DNNs. Instead, it advocates concentrating the local resources on variational compression optimized for machine interpretability. We introduce a novel framework for resource-conscious compression models and extensively evaluate our method in an environment reflecting the asymmetric resource distribution between edge devices and servers. Our method achieves 60% lower bitrate than a state-of-the-art SC method without decreasing accuracy and is up to 16x faster than offloading with existing codec standards.

torchdistill Meets Hugging Face Libraries for Reproducible, Coding-Free Deep Learning Studies: A Case Study on NLP

  • Author(s): Yoshitomo Matsubara

  • Venue: EMNLP 2023 Workshop for Natural Language Processing Open Source Software (NLP-OSS)

  • PDF: Paper

  • Code: GitHub

Abstract: Reproducibility in scientific work has been becoming increasingly important in research communities such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision communities due to the rapid development of the research domains supported by recent advances in deep learning. In this work, we present a significantly upgraded version of torchdistill, a modular-driven coding-free deep learning framework significantly upgraded from the initial release, which supports only image classification and object detection tasks for reproducible knowledge distillation experiments. To demonstrate that the upgraded framework can support more tasks with third-party libraries, we reproduce the GLUE benchmark results of BERT models using a script based on the upgraded torchdistill, harmonizing with various Hugging Face libraries. All the 27 fine-tuned BERT models and configurations to reproduce the results are published at Hugging Face, and the model weights have already been widely used in research communities. We also reimplement popular small-sized models and new knowledge distillation methods and perform additional experiments for computer vision tasks.

SC2 Benchmark: Supervised Compression for Split Computing

  • Author(s): Yoshitomo Matsubara, Ruihan Yang, Marco Levorato, Stephan Mandt

  • Venue: TMLR

  • PDF: Paper + Supp

  • Code: GitHub

Abstract: With the increasing demand for deep learning models on mobile devices, splitting neural network computation between the device and a more powerful edge server has become an attractive solution. However, existing split computing approaches often underperform compared to a naive baseline of remote computation on compressed data. Recent studies propose learning compressed representations that contain more relevant information for supervised downstream tasks, showing improved tradeoffs between compressed data size and supervised performance. However, existing evaluation metrics only provide an incomplete picture of split computing. This study introduces supervised compression for split computing (SC2) and proposes new evaluation criteria: minimizing computation on the mobile device, minimizing transmitted data size, and maximizing model accuracy. We conduct a comprehensive benchmark study using 10 baseline methods, three computer vision tasks, and over 180 trained models, and discuss various aspects of SC2. We also release our code and sc2bench, a Python package for future research on SC2. Our proposed metrics and package will help researchers better understand the tradeoffs of supervised compression in split computing.

Supervised Compression for Resource-Constrained Edge Computing Systems

  • Author(s): Yoshitomo Matsubara, Ruihan Yang, Marco Levorato, Stephan Mandt

  • Venue: WACV 2022

  • PDF: Paper + Supp

  • Code: GitHub

Abstract: There has been much interest in deploying deep learning algorithms on low-powered devices, including smartphones, drones, and medical sensors. However, full-scale deep neural networks are often too resource-intensive in terms of energy and storage. As a result, the bulk part of the machine learning operation is therefore often carried out on an edge server, where the data is compressed and transmitted. However, compressing data (such as images) leads to transmitting information irrelevant to the supervised task. Another popular approach is to split the deep network between the device and the server while compressing intermediate features. To date, however, such split computing strategies have barely outperformed the aforementioned naive data compression baselines due to their inefficient approaches to feature compression. This paper adopts ideas from knowledge distillation and neural image compression to compress intermediate feature representations more efficiently. Our supervised compression approach uses a teacher model and a student model with a stochastic bottleneck and learnable prior for entropy coding (Entropic Student). We compare our approach to various neural image and feature compression baselines in three vision tasks and found that it achieves better supervised rate-distortion performance while maintaining smaller end-to-end latency. We furthermore show that the learned feature representations can be tuned to serve multiple downstream tasks.

torchdistill: A Modular, Configuration-Driven Framework for Knowledge Distillation

  • Author(s): Yoshitomo Matsubara

  • Venue: ICPR 2020 International Workshop on Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition

  • PDF: Paper

  • Code: GitHub

Abstract: While knowledge distillation (transfer) has been attracting attentions from the research community, the recent development in the fields has heightened the need for reproducible studies and highly generalized frameworks to lower barriers to such high-quality, reproducible deep learning research. Several researchers voluntarily published frameworks used in their knowledge distillation studies to help other interested researchers reproduce their original work. Such frameworks, however, are usually neither well generalized nor maintained, thus researchers are still required to write a lot of code to refactor/build on the frameworks for introducing new methods, models, datasets and designing experiments. In this paper, we present our developed open-source framework built on PyTorch and dedicated for knowledge distillation studies. The framework is designed to enable users to design experiments by declarative PyYAML configuration files, and helps researchers complete the recently proposed ML Code Completeness Checklist. Using the developed framework, we demonstrate its various efficient training strategies, and implement a variety of knowledge distillation methods. We also reproduce some of their original experimental results on the ImageNet and COCO datasets presented at major machine learning conferences such as ICLR, NeurIPS, CVPR and ECCV, including recent state-of-the-art methods. All the source code, configurations, log files and trained model weights are publicly available at