import os
import numpy as np
import torch
from import Dataset
from .registry import register_dataset_wrapper
from ..common import file_util
from ..common.constant import def_logger
logger = def_logger.getChild(__name__)
def default_idx2subpath(index):
Converts index to a file path including a parent dir name, which consists of the last four digits of the index.
:param index: index.
:type index: int
:return: file path with a parent directory.
:rtype: str
digits_str = '{:04d}'.format(index)
return os.path.join(digits_str[-4:], digits_str)
class BaseDatasetWrapper(Dataset):
A base dataset wrapper. This is a subclass of :class:``.
:param org_dataset: original dataset to be wrapped.
:type org_dataset:
def __init__(self, org_dataset):
self.org_dataset = org_dataset
def __getitem__(self, index):
sample, target = self.org_dataset.__getitem__(index)
return sample, target, dict()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.org_dataset)
class CacheableDataset(BaseDatasetWrapper):
A dataset wrapper that additionally loads cached files in ``cache_dir_path`` if exists.
:param org_dataset: original dataset to be wrapped.
:type org_dataset:
:param cache_dir_path: cache directory path.
:type cache_dir_path: str
:param idx2subpath_func: function to convert a sample index to a file path.
:type idx2subpath_func: typing.Callable or None
:param ext: cache file extension.
:type ext: str
def __init__(self, org_dataset, cache_dir_path, idx2subpath_func=None, ext='.pt'):
self.cache_dir_path = cache_dir_path
self.idx2subath_func = str if idx2subpath_func is None else idx2subpath_func
self.ext = ext
def __getitem__(self, index):
sample, target, supp_dict = super().__getitem__(index)
cache_file_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir_path, self.idx2subath_func(index) + self.ext)
if file_util.check_if_exists(cache_file_path):
cached_data = torch.load(cache_file_path)
supp_dict['cached_data'] = cached_data
supp_dict['cache_file_path'] = cache_file_path
return sample, target, supp_dict
class CRDDatasetWrapper(BaseDatasetWrapper):
A dataset wrapper for Contrastive Representation Distillation (CRD).
Yonglong Tian, Dilip Krishnan, Phillip Isola: `"Contrastive Representation Distillation" <>`_ @ ICLR 2020 (2020)
:param org_dataset: original dataset to be wrapped.
:type org_dataset:
:param num_negative_samples: number of negative samples for CRD.
:type num_negative_samples: int
:param mode: either 'exact' or 'relax'.
:type mode: str
:param ratio: ratio of class-wise negative samples.
:type ratio: float
def __init__(self, org_dataset, num_negative_samples, mode, ratio):
self.num_negative_samples = num_negative_samples
self.mode = mode
num_classes = len(org_dataset.classes)
num_samples = len(org_dataset)
labels = org_dataset.targets
self.cls_positives = [[] for i in range(num_classes)]
for i in range(num_samples):
self.cls_negatives = [[] for i in range(num_classes)]
for i in range(num_classes):
for j in range(num_classes):
if j == i:
self.cls_positives = [np.asarray(self.cls_positives[i]) for i in range(num_classes)]
self.cls_negatives = [np.asarray(self.cls_negatives[i]) for i in range(num_classes)]
if 0 < ratio < 1:
n = int(len(self.cls_negatives[0]) * ratio)
self.cls_negatives = [np.random.permutation(self.cls_negatives[i])[0:n] for i in range(num_classes)]
self.cls_positives = self.cls_positives
self.cls_negatives = self.cls_negatives
def __getitem__(self, index):
sample, target, supp_dict = super().__getitem__(index)
if self.mode == 'exact':
pos_idx = index
elif self.mode == 'relax':
pos_idx = np.random.choice(self.cls_positives[target], 1)
pos_idx = pos_idx[0]
raise NotImplementedError(self.mode)
replace = True if self.num_negative_samples > len(self.cls_negatives[target]) else False
neg_idx = np.random.choice(self.cls_negatives[target], self.num_negative_samples, replace=replace)
contrast_idx = np.hstack((np.asarray([pos_idx]), neg_idx))
supp_dict['pos_idx'] = index
supp_dict['contrast_idx'] = contrast_idx
return sample, target, supp_dict
class SSKDDatasetWrapper(BaseDatasetWrapper):
A dataset wrapper for Self-Supervised Knowledge Distillation (SSKD).
Guodong Xu, Ziwei Liu, Xiaoxiao Li, Chen Change Loy: `"Knowledge Distillation Meets Self-Supervision" <>`_ @ ECCV 2020 (2020)
:param org_dataset: original dataset to be wrapped.
:type org_dataset:
def __init__(self, org_dataset):
self.transform = org_dataset.transform
org_dataset.transform = None
def __getitem__(self, index):
# Assume sample is a PIL Image
sample, target, supp_dict = super().__getitem__(index)
sample = torch.stack([self.transform(sample).detach(),
self.transform(sample.rotate(90, expand=True)).detach(),
self.transform(sample.rotate(180, expand=True)).detach(),
self.transform(sample.rotate(270, expand=True)).detach()])
return sample, target, supp_dict